The Truth About Richard III’s Illegitimate Children

At last the reality of his goodness👍

Doublehistory's Blog

As the most moral of kings, Richard III is known to have railed against the sexual excesses of his enemies.  Non-Ricardians (or Richard haters, to describe them more accurately and succinctly) have pointed to Richard’s being the father of two illegitimate children of his own in order to accuse him of hypocrisy. But were the children actually Richard’s own?

Richard III. His benevolence simply shines forth. Richard III. His benevolence simply shines forth.

First, it should be noted that the identity of the children’s mothers cannot be confirmed, though traditionalist historians have put forth various candidates. No chronicle mentions Richard’s having a mistress or mistresses, and Richard’s household records do not furnish any clues. While some have pointed out that Richard’s private life was of little interest before he became king, and that his household records are not extant, the far more logical explanation is that no source mentions Richard’s mistress  or mistresses because he did not…

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10 Ways to Identify a Saint or a Sinner in the 15th Century

Doublehistory's Blog

Religion was very important to people of the 15th Century. In many ways, it controlled their lives; told them what to eat and when they could eat it, who they could marry and when, who could get into heaven and who couldn’t.

Okay, perhaps religion should have a big say on that last one, at least.

Religious piety was given great prominence as a way of deciding who was ‘good’ and who was ‘bad’, especially on the stage that was the Wars of the Roses. So here are 10 ways to identify which is which.

220px-Cecily_neville1. You may have been involved in the highest level of politics in your younger years; such as being married to the country’s Lord Protector, being mother of 2 kings, and related to most of the protagonists in the Wars of the Roses, but following strict religious observance in your later years, will make you…

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